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Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello Beautiful Day!

Today's Quote is:
"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me."-C.S. Lewis
I wholeheartedly agree.(=

On another note, i recently read a few books by Alice Hoffman...the synopsis on the backs sounded intriguing and I'm always on the lookout for good books for my younger sister.  I like my mother have wisely adopted the habit of previewing books before presenting them as gifts.  These books were short enough that i was able to breeze through three: Green Angel, Indigo and Aquamarine.

Green Angel was strange and dark, the tale tells of a girl who has lost everything begins giving herself tattoos, pulling away from society, hurting herself and generally being depressed.  Through out the story as she encounters various people and situations she slowly recovers.  At the end her tattoos change from black to green and pretty colors representing her coming back to who she really was/is.  I say yay for her redemption at the end, but this is not something my sister needs to be reading.

Aquamarine was a tale of two girls and mermaid they found in a pool after a big storm...the mermaid was vapid and shallow and so was this story. The mermaid falls in love with a human and the girls arrange a way for her to meet him before returning her to the sea, and parting ways themselves.

Indigo was the best of these three stories, telling of a girl who recently lost her mother, who is friends with two strange boys.  The three of them feel like they don't fit in the town and they dream of running away.  The boys turn out to be part mermen and end up being accepted and helping her as the town floods in a gigantic storm...everyone learns to accept each other, and everyone ends up happy.  Light reading, not to bad.

Overall i have decided not to give them to my sister. Feel free to let me know how you feel if you've read these books i'm always open for discussion.
Alathea Barks-Manager Vintage Book Shoppe

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