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Friday, November 19, 2010

Description of the Book #4

Cool book designed by a lady on etsy using an old vinyl record as the cover...
Here is her store link...
"A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing with full instruction, but pursues you never."
Henry Ward Beecher
To start making a book you'll need a few things: waxed thread, a large needle, paper (you pick, just make sure it's a med wieght), something to crease your paper with, paper cutter/scissors, and a pencil. (and card board or wood, or whatever you plan on making your cover out of, cloth to cover the cover, glue and 2 pretty papers for the inside covers) Make sure you measure your paper b/c the cover will need to be larger.
Part one: Create several Folios
Very simply put you take four pieces of paper and fold them in half then sew them together down that middle crease to create an 8 pg folio...make as many as you want/need.
Part two: Bind the Folios together into a book without a cover
Here is a website to show you coptic stitch binding...
and another one on bookbinding...

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